الثلاثاء، 23 يونيو 2009

Fences Worth A Second Glance

Fences are something that we come across very often and it doesn't evoke any interest to get a second glance. But how about when they have something that is unique, creative or interesting? Here are a few of them that we came across over a period of time, which we thought you might be interested to look at. Just one other thing, if you have come across any that has something special or unique then do drop a line here, we would definitely give it a look!

Its about 25surfboards long
Fence made out ofcrayons
Fence made ofwheels
Stone fence
Folgers fence. These are all coffee containers used to start plants and trees.
Recycled fence wall.
Bike fence.
Bowling ball fence.

Ski fence.

Toothbrush fence has over 50 toothbrushes!
Ski pole fence.

Other interesting one.

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